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Paper: Oct 13,2024
COrAL: Order-Agnostic Language Modeling for Efficient Iterative Refinement
Iterative refinement has emerged as an effective paradigm for enhancing the capabilities of large language models (LLMs) on complex tasks. However, existing approaches typically implement iterative refinement at the application or prompting level, relying on autoregressive (AR) modeling. The sequential token generation in AR models can lead to high inference latency. To overcome these challenges, we propose Context-Wise Order-Agnostic Language Modeling (COrAL), which incorporates iterative refinement directly into the LLM architecture while maintaining computational efficiency. Our approach models multiple token dependencies within manageable context windows, enabling the model to perform iterative refinement internally during the generation process. Leveraging the order-agnostic nature of COrAL, we introduce sliding blockwise order-agnostic decoding, which performs multi-token forward prediction and backward reconstruction within context windows. This allows the model to iteratively refine its outputs in parallel in the sliding block, effectively capturing diverse dependencies without the high inference cost of sequential generation. Empirical evaluations on reasoning tasks demonstrate that COrAL improves performance and inference speed, respectively, achieving absolute accuracy gains of $4.6\%$ on GSM8K and $4.0\%$ on LogiQA, along with inference speedups of up to $3.9\times$ over next-token baselines. Preliminary results on code generation indicate a drop in pass rates due to inconsistencies in order-agnostic outputs, highlighting the inherent quality--speed trade-off. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/YuxiXie/COrAL. 🔗 View origin paper >>
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Paper Author: Yuxi Xie,Anirudh Goyal,Xiaobao Wu,Xunjian Yin,Xiao Xu,Min-Yen Kan,Liangming Pan,William Yang Wang
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